Apparatus for the treatment of male prostatitis

Nowadays, almost every man faces the problem of prostatitis. To overcome it once and for all, they actively use devices and appliances for the treatment of this pathology, which was the topic of the article. We will consider the strengths and types of devices as well as the most commonly used devices for prostatitis and whether they really help effectively.

device for the treatment of prostatitis

Advantages of using devices for the treatment of prostatitis

Medicine has made great strides and has learned to derive therapeutic benefits from physical, thermal and aquatic means and to call this method physiotherapy. Prostate devices have a good therapeutic effect, which is able to treat the pathology in a short time. Consider the positives for men who use devices and devices:

  1. They are able to get rid of a benign tumor of the prostate gland, which is in an acute form of inflammation. Provide high-quality prevention of prostatitis recurrence.
  2. The device for the treatment of prostatitis allows you to weaken or remove the symptoms of the disease, which appear during the chronic period of its course.
  3. A strong half of humanity will be able to use the prostatitis device both at home and in sanitary apartments.
  4. Some of them help already during the first procedure, quickly relieving swelling and pain.

Types of devices for prostatitis

There is a wide range of prostatitis treatment devices, so it is very important to choose the most effective one for your case. We recommend that you contact a qualified specialist with this question. They are divided into many types depending on the principle of work, pricing policy, contraindications for use.

the doctor prescribes the treatment of prostatitis with a device

Vibroacoustic devices

The operation of these devices is based on the use of mechanical vibrations. Treatment with such devices successfully combines the effects of temperature, magnetic and vibration on the body. This combination forces the blood to activate movement and strengthens the immune system. The attending physician often recommends vibroacoustic devices to prevent various pathologies, including prostatitis. They eliminate the inability to fuse male and female germ cells, increase the volume and hardening of the male penis during arousal and have a beneficial effect on the muscle tone of the prostate. The medical device brings the most fruitful results when it combines therapy with drugs.

However, vibroacoustic devices have not only some advantages, but also negative sides. For their effectiveness, a successful course of drug treatment is required, which may be contraindicated in some representatives of the stronger sex.


The type of physical impact on a person with constant or pulsed low frequency magnetic fields, useful for the male body in aspects such as:

hardware treatment of prostatitis
  1. the magnetic flux is able to pass through the tissues and exert a local effect on the necessary part of the body;
  2. with magnetotherapy, there are no complications in the body, and this method of treatment is allowed for patients with high blood pressure;
  3. magnetic fields increase cell permeability, increase the speed of recovery reactions and stimulate blood dynamics.

Magnetotherapy can also be used for chronic prostatitis. The pulse range can be adjusted and the dosage can be varied individually for everyone. A competent specialist will tell you how to do it correctly.

It is important to know that there are weaknesses in magnetic therapy. Men suffering from diseases of the heart system, chondrosis, impaired vascular function, systematic blood spills, epilepsy, hypertension and body temperature cannot be treated with this type of device. In some cases, there is an increased sensitivity to magnetic treatment.

Electrical medical devices

These devices influence the necessary part of the penis with impulses, acting on the rectum with the aim of absorbing them in the blood vessels and entering the circulatory system. Increase blood circulation, accelerate cell metabolism, improve tissue regeneration rate - easily and quickly with the help of electrical devices.

The only drawback of electrical devices for prostatitis is the higher price compared to other devices.

The most popular devices for prostatitis

A special lamp is a fairly simple vacuum method for the treatment of chronic and acute prostatitis, which is based on the action of light. The urological method of getting rid of pathologies is carried out for 5-6 minutes 2 times a day. The light is directed under the scrotum for five days.

appliance for the treatment of prostatitis

To stimulate blood circulation in the pelvic area, a suit apparatus is placed on the body, which eliminates the ailment using the pressure of the chips. This device significantly improves erection in just 2 sessions. Anyone can hear the operation of the device at home.

Another device for fighting prostate disease is complex. It treats various forms of prostatitis and relieves congestion. Favorably influences blood dynamics through a combination of vibration, heat and magnetic effects. It has no harmful effects, is complex and provides an effective effect. The device provides the man with a therapeutic massage.

Often used by representatives of the stronger sex, the device is an electromagnetic device for prostatitis. It acts on the body using high frequency electromagnetic waves. Urology treats this device only in a clinical setting. The device for the treatment of prostatitis improves the functional state of blood vessels and tissues, blood circulation.

The magnetotherapy apparatus for prostatitis is no less good. The action of the apparatus, which belongs to the method of magnetotherapy, consists in the treatment with a pulsed field. Prostatitis eliminates both at home and in the hospital walls. Relieves inflammation and pain, improves blood flow to the prostate gland, reorders the function of the penis.

The applicator, applicable at home, works through a massage with needles. It is recommended to perform the therapy using applications for 25 minutes, 2 times a day. After three days, the result will be noticeable.

Do not forget that in addition to the most popular methods of getting rid of adenoma and prostatitis, there are some additional ones (for example, mud methods).